A large number of dependencies contribute to the capabilities of Storm. We would like to thank the developers of these tools (in lexicographic order):
- Boost (just-in-time compilation, parsing of the PRISM language & properties, various other tasks)
- CArL (symbolic computations and as a wrapper for exact arithmetic, source of some cmake build scripts)
- CLN (exact number representation)
- CMake (build system)
- CUDD (an MTBDD library available in the DD-related engines)
- Eigen (sparse linear algebra)
- gmm++ (sparse linear algebra)
- GTest (testing infrastructure)
- L3pp (logging)
- PRISM (source of some CUDD extensions for MTBDD based model checking)
- Spot (needed for model checking LTL queries)
- Sylvan (an MTBDD library available in the DD-related engines)
- Xerces (XML parsing)
- Z3 (SMT solving)