Installing Dependencies

Storm depends on several other tools. Partly, they are packed with Storm. This page describes dependencies which are assumed to be present on the target system. We both give a general list, as well as operating system specific hints how to install them.


For the compilation step, a C++17-compliant compiler is required. Storm is known to work with GCC, Clang, and AppleClang.

General Dependencies

The following two lists provide an overview over the required and recommended dependencies of Storm. Required dependencies are absolutely essential for Storm to be compiled and must be installed. Recommended dependencies are optional, but not installing them may severely limit the offered functionality.



OS specific preparations

We collected some platform specific hints to ease the installation of Storm on the supported operating systems. Since Storm has some optional dependencies that enhance it’s functionality, and some dependencies that are strictly required, we show how to install both the required and recommended dependencies. The installation instructions of the recommended dependencies already include the required dependencies.


Make sure that you use a recent macOS version. You need to download and install Xcode or its command line tools (CLT) to have the suitable tools needed for compilation. For more details, we refer to this tutorial.

Furthermore, we recommend the usage of Homebrew to install the missing packages.

Apple Silicon Systems

For troubleshooting building on ARM-based Apple Silicon CPUs and for building using x86 emulations, please refer to this page.

Intel-based Systems

Debian and Ubuntu

We currently support Debian from version 12 and Ubuntu from version 22.04.

Manually installing dependencies optional


Storm makes use of CArL for the representation of rationals and rational functions. If you don’t have it installed on your system, our build script will download and configure it automatically for you. However, under certain circumstances, you might want to install CArL yourself. This may for example be advantageous if you need to repeatedly build Storm from scratch or you want to change its source code. Installing CArL is as easy as

$ git clone
$ cd carl-storm
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make lib_carl

Once it is build, it will register itself to cmake so Storm can find your build automatically.

There may be problems with this auto-detection mechanism if you have multiple versions of CArL installed. We strongly recommend to have CArL just once and completely remove the build folder of Storm if one is already present. Rerunning cmake should then pick up on the “new” version of CArL.


Storm requires Boost to be available in a recent version. On the supported operating systems this can be easily achieved with readily available package managers. If Boost is not present in a standard system locations (for example because it was manually built), it might not automatically be found by Storm. You can make Storm aware of the Boost location by passing -DBOOST_ROOT=/path/to/boost to the cmake invocation in the configuration step.